1. Meaningful Productivity. We have a built in desire to be productive in a meaningful way. Yes, a good life includes time for relaxation and reflection, but it is not centered around those things. The things we do on vacation are very enjoyable, but doing them full time is not the key to a good life. Life needs balance, and productivity gives us a sense of accomplishment and value that we can’t get from laying on the beach for months on end.
2. Meaningful Relationships. Good friends and close companions are an important part of a happy life. It doesn’t really matter if you are a social butterfly or a private person, everyone needs to be able to truly relate to one or more other people. It’s the quality of our relationships that fills this need, not the quantity. If you have a mate, hopefully they are also your best friend. Being able to share our deepest thoughts, feelings, hopes and concerns helps affirm and define our own existence.
3. Spiritual Awareness. Whether we recognize it or not, each of us has a spiritual need. But only those who are actually conscious that they have this need will take the necessary steps to fill it. Recognizing that we have a need is what motivates to us to search for a way to enrich our life by satisfying that need. We couldn’t really call it a good life if it wasn’t also a happy life and a big part of happiness comes from finding a way to fill the spiritual void.
4. Mental Health. The human mind loves to learn. We were endowed with incredible potential for learning new things. Not only does learning help us to gain new knowledge and insights, but it also brings a renewed sense of excitement to our lives. A life that is static and intellectually unchallenging can quickly become boring. Learning keeps our minds active and alert which helps prevent mental atrophy. You know the old saying, use it or lose it. We should also exercise discretion with regard to what we learn. Not all knowledge is beneficial. The quality of our life is directly influenced by what we focus on. When it comes to learning, stick with topics that add value to your life and avoid anything that might undermine your personal standards or taint your views.
5. Stay Healthy. Never take your health for granted. The quality of your life will suffer dramatically if you lose your health. Always give adequate attention to your physical self. That means getting regular exercise and quality nutrition. It also means maintaining a reasonable approach to things like alcohol and caffeine. Remember, balance is a common denominator here. Overindulgence of food and or alcohol can quickly destroy the quality of your life, so be reasonable.
6. Keep Money in its Place. We already acknowledged that money can make life more comfortable and less stressful. But putting too much emphasis on making money can destabilize the other areas of life. Don’t be a slave to money. You can’t buy meaningful relationships, good health, spirituality or good mental health. Money is not the most important thing in life so keep it in its place.
7. Cultivate a Kind and Caring Disposition. A self-centered life is not a satisfying experience. The more you work to add value to the lives of others, the more rewarding your own life will be. Reinforce this by cultivating an attitude of gratitude. The more you do this, the more you will have in your life to be grateful for. Adding value and being grateful will counteract unwanted selfish tendencies.
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