They are an integral part of our services. Such services are usually beneficial in the matters like:
Magnum Detectives have most sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment to prepare audio and video recordings of the activities and conversations, outside and inside a room/office/hotel.
Practically, it is possible to acquire every single details of the subject person. Absolute confidentiality, desired results and timely delivery are our strengths.
Practically, it is possible to acquire every single details of the subject person. Absolute confidentiality, desired results and timely delivery are our strengths.

Magnum Detectives is an exclusive agency which provides complete solutions relating to all the Intellectual Property Right matters-be it:
We have been working for many prominent manufacturers of different branded items and have organized successful raids across the country.
Magnum Detectives has a competent team to dig out every relevant facts, figures and intelligence for its clients like:
Magnum Detectives is ever ready to assist your organization and provide complete business support services under one roof.
And Similarly, We provide Services like:
By planting our Investigators as moles in the client's company, at various designations, to find the root cause of all anti-management activities, pilferages and thefts.
Verify assets owned by an individual or companies enabling banks, companies,financiers, in litigation for recovery of dues and for eviction cases.
De-bugging of telephones and premises in case of planted bugs.
Expertise check
FOR MORE CLICK HERE-http://magnumdetectives.net/ http://www.magnumdetectivespvtltd.com
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